· One Year Anniversary
· Accepting Applications
· Call of Duty: Black Ops
· Resurgence Package
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Welcome to the official website for Rogue Crusaders of the Forsaken. We are a gaming community dedicated to providing the highest online gaming experience to all our members and visitors. Our membership is made up of unique gamers from all across the world. We strive to provide our members with a unique gaming atmosphere that is enjoyable and relaxing for everyone. We take pride in ourselves for the various accomplishments and traditions that we have set forth as a community.


Future home for various game related patches and downloadable maps.
Donations are always welcome. If you enjoy our servers, and want to see this community grow, the best way for you to lend a hand would be to donate! Your donations are what allow us to keep these servers open. Without you, there would be no community. If you would like more information on donating, visiting our donation page. Or, if you'd like to donate right now, click on the donation banner above!
Call of Duty: Black Ops

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